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Award Presentation-the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival&16th Giving Heart Community Feast


On November 28, 2021, WS Immigration and Multicultural Services Society hosted the Award Presentation for the 7th Canada Multicultural Creative Festival, then followed by the 16th Giving Heart Community Feast. Prior to the award event and community feast, we had the annual general meeting.

Welcome speech by Sophia Zhang, Chair, WS Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society.
Welcome speech by Sophia Zhang, Chair, WS Immigrant & Multicultural Services Society.

Warm congratulations from Taleeb Noormohamed, MP for Vancouver Granville
Warm congratulations from Taleeb Noormohamed, MP for Vancouver Granville

Greetings from Malcolm Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond
Greetings from Malcolm Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond

Greetings from James Wang, Acting Mayor and Councillor, City of Burnaby
Greetings from James Wang, Acting Mayor and Councillor, City of Burnaby

Greetings from Chak Au, Councillor, City of Richmond
Greetings from Chak Au, Councillor, City of Richmond

Special thanks to Taleeb Noormohamed, MP for Vancouver Granville and Mike Hurley, Mayor, City of Burnaby for signing the award certificates for this event, which made the award certificates more precious.

Mike Hurley, Mayor, City of Burnaby
Mike Hurley, Mayor, City of Burnaby

Award Certificate Sample - for Ed Vinicio
Award Certificate Sample - for Ed Vinicio

 Awards presented by Acting Mayor, Councillor James Wang & Councillor Chak Au
Awards presented by Acting Mayor, Councillor James Wang & Councillor Chak Au


As we currently have Omicron, the New Covid-19 Variant, we provided face shields and masks for each and every participant to wear onsite, we also encouraged everyone to take as many as they want home for their extended families, friends and anyone in need.

Lucky Draws - Malcolm Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond
Lucky Draws - Malcolm Brodie, Mayor, City of Richmond

Sincere thanks to Selina Lau, who donated thousands and hundreds of face shields and masks to WSIMS, then WSIMS re-donated all to churches, schools, school boards, other organizations and individuals in need.

Selina Lau, President, Sure York International Consulting Inc.
Selina Lau, President, Sure York International Consulting Inc.

Gary, the lucky guy received one box of 2,000 face masks, he said this was his first time to feel he was really lucky.

Dr. Sang, Chair Yu and Emilie, the 3 lucky ones received one box of 400 face masks each.

This lucky girl received a painting from the famous artist Joanne Wing. Her painting is normally around $2,000 value minimum per piece.

Some lucky winners received the famous wines: the Fort Wine; while some lucky winners received the famous wines: Sanduz.

We prepared small gifts for each and every participant, from the very famous wines for this holiday season to our cherished books with authors' signature such as Lo-Fu and Cheonhak Kwon; from essential face shields and masks to environmental friendly items; from fresh flowers to classic paintings...

ue Huang (middle), President of The Fort Wine
Appreciation from Yue Huang (middle), President of The Fort Wine

Appreciation from Bruce Liang, President of Goose King
Appreciation from Bruce Liang, President of Goose King

Culture sharing from Dr. Qian
Culture sharing from Dr. Qian

Hui Zheng, was at the award presentation, representing Vancouver Ballroom Dancing Enthusiasts as one of the Member Organizations of WS Multicultural Services Society

We celebrated the birthdays in October, November and December
We celebrated the birthdays in October, November and December

Precious awards, delicious food, lucky draws and lucky prizes, people gathering face to face especially at the simi-end COVID-19 pandemic, what a fun-filled night!

Time and space limited, sorry if you missed this award presentation and this Community Feast; we always will have the next opportunity.

Sincere thanks to all volunteers that made this happen: Megan, Sonia, YanYan, Anu, Gary, Tina, May, Annie, Baiyu, Koyo, Will, Chris, Xiaozhen, etc.

Ed Vinicio's new digital here:

The physical CD we can order here:

Sincere thanks to Goose King
Sincere thanks to Goose King

Sincere thanks to PriceSmart Foods
Sincere thanks to PriceSmart Foods

Sincere thanks to Sanduz
Sincere thanks to Sanduz

Sanduz, the very famous Canadian berry wine from Richmond, BC
Sanduz, the very famous Canadian berry wine from Richmond, BC

Sincere thanks to The Fort Wine
Sincere thanks to The Fort Wine

The very famous Fort Wine from Langley BC
The very famous Fort Wine from Langley BC

Sincere thanks to Richmond News, Fairchild TV, TalentVisionTV, Phoenix Satellite TV Canada Program Center, RiseWeekly, Voice of Canada, etc., for their interviews and reports! Sincere thanks to everyone who participated in this event! Sincere thanks to everyone who have been supporting good causes!

Nono, from Richmond News was interviewing Sophia Zhang
Nono, from Richmond News was interviewing Sophia Zhang

Sonia Li, President,  Rise Media Weekly
Sonia Li, President, Rise Media Weekly

Vera from FairChild was interviewing Sophia
Vera from FairChild was interviewing Sophia

Sophia Zhang was interviewed by FairChild TV
Sophia Zhang was interviewed by FairChild TV

Sophia Zhang was interviewed by TalentVision TV
Sophia Zhang was interviewed by TalentVision TV

(Photos received from: Lucenda, Bruce, Bill, Laola, Ling, Lucia, Ming, Annie, Lina, Emilie, Sonia, Wendy, etc.)


The Welcome Speech

By Sophia Zhang

Good evening!

You may have heard this story, but it doesn’t hurt to be reminded every once in a while.

After a storm, a boy kept throwing starfish back into the ocean. The sun was getting high, the starfish would die.

A man told the boy, “You won’t really make much of a difference, there’re thousands of starfish on this beach!”

The boy threw another Starfish back into the water, smiled and said: “It made a world of difference to this one!”

We all have the opportunity to help creating positive change, especially during this COVID-19 pandemic. One starfish at a time!

Two days ago, we just learned Omicron, the another new Covid-19 Variant, but we still want to keep this small face-to-face event. We’ve been gathering online for nearly two years. We want to get people to connect meaningfully.

We focus on not only getting the things right, the flowers, the food, the lucky prizes, but also the real human connections, the interaction between each and every of us, our caring and love to each and every one of you, to all the places worldwide, whenever in need, and for the generations to come!

Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to be here; thank you for your caring and sharing; thank you for your support and contributions to our communities! Enjoy the evening!


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WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) is a non-profit organization and a volunteer-based group. Over the past 10 years it has been providing immigrant and refugee settlement services including language and computer training, and intercultural services including planning, organizing and hosting hundreds and thousands cross-cultural events, workshops, seminars, conferences, book launches, Discover World Culture series and more to create awareness, understanding and appreciation of multiculturalism, to build happier families, healthier communities and to foster intercultural harmony.

WS Immigrant and Multicultural Services Society (WSIMS) est une organisation à but non lucratif et un groupe de bénévoles. Au cours des 10 dernières années, il a fourni des services d'établissement des immigrants et des réfugiés, y compris une formation linguistique et informatique, et des services interculturels, notamment la planification, l'organisation et l'accueil de centaines et de milliers d'événements interculturels, d'ateliers, de séminaires, de conférences, de lancements de livres, de la série Discover World Culture. et plus encore pour sensibiliser, comprendre et apprécier le multiculturalisme, pour bâtir des familles plus heureuses, des communautés plus saines et pour favoriser l'harmonie interculturelle.

文思移民与多元文化服务协会(WSIMS)作为非营利组织和志愿者组织,始终以 “怀大爱、做小事” 为宗旨,秉承 “点燃激情、放飞梦想、感悟人生、分享美丽” 的理念,积极推动民族文化的传承、多元文化的融合及创新,激励人们实现各自的人生梦想。十多年来,一直提供力所能及的移民安顿服务(包括但不限于英语培训、IT培训、翻译服务)、长者服务、书籍出版,以及多元文化服务,包括策划、组织和举办千百次的跨文化讲座、研讨会、庆祝会、新书发布会,以及探索世界文化系列活动等,进一步提高社区对多元文化的认知、理解和欣赏,帮助建立更幸福的家庭、更健康的社区以及进一步促进多元文化的和谐。

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