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Great Jeff and His JPC Services Inc.

(Originally posted on June 5, 2020) JPC Services Inc. is a comprehensive services company.Construction is not the only focus, as JPC also offers expertise for custom home building, Renovations, Painting, Panel Systems, IRUV Cutting, Management Consulting and Cleaning. JPC has served the Greater Vancouver Regional District for many years and has developed strong partnerships with architects, designers, and engineers in various municipalities.

Under the extradentary leadership of Jeff Jiang, president of JPC Service Inc., JPC is dedicated to providing quality construction, renovation, management services and to implement a long-term relationship with its clients, based on safety, quality, timely service as well as anticipation of their needs and budgets.

JPC is a BBB (Better Business Bureau) Accredited Business and believes in establishing and maintaining the highest integrity and trustworthiness with their clients. JPC takes pride in their commitment by providing exceptional customer services. In addition, JPC has implemented a service tracking system into their practices to ensure their clients will continue to receive exemplary services.

At JPC Services, the skilled and supportive team know their clients very well, keeps promises and meets deadlines. Most importantly, they have trust in each other just like their clients always do to them. The company is also insured with WCB and a $5 million third-party liability.

For the past years, they have successfully completed hundreds of small to large projects. Their clients include Future Shop, Staples, Superstore and many more. With rich experience, JPC has been serving you beyond your expectations.

Vision & Mission

JPC Services Inc. is one of the best and most respected general contractor companies in the industry, measured by their employees, their customers and their communities, to deliver high quality, cost effective projects on schedules.


They value their employees;
They value their customers;
They value continuous learning;
They value integrity;
They value continuous improvement;
They value results.


JPC Services Inc
Address: 2110-12191 Hammersmith Way, Vancouver, BC V7A 5H2
Tel: (778)-888-8688, (778)-297-5808
Fax: (778)-297-5807
Office Hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm from Monday to Friday


There are hundreds of testimonials from JPC’s previous customers, here are 16 samples:


“There is no question, and I will definitely recommend JPC’s services to everyone. In my experience, Jeff and his team are very busy, but he still tried to explain to me all possible steps for my home projects so that I felt comfortable and confidence to let them finish the jobs. He has an efficient, effective and organized team to work with him, and their price is fairly presented. They listened to my needs, and they delivered the great quality work for me and my family. We thank for them. Thank you JPC Services, looking forward to have your next services soon!”

–Chanel Donovan on November 5th, 2014


“My experience with JPC service Inc was positive. JPC renovated our facility of 7800 sq. during the months of July and August 2014. The workers Jeff hired are warm and passionate about their jobs. They are on time and pay attention to details. We understand JPC is a busy company, but somehow, Jeff was always able to keep things organized and sending people on site as he promised. JPC definitely gained our trust, and we will use them again in the future.”

-Liana H. on October 29, 2014


“The honour company, always done job right on client benefit, you find the best service you can find around BC.”

-Mac M in October 2014


“The company just finished renovation for our house. We had a wonderful experience with them. They are very professional team. We love and enjoy our new home. Thanks to Jeff and his staff.”

-Hong Yan Xiao on September 28, 2014


“A professional team that not only educating our business on how our site can physically be improved on, but also offering excellent service when doing the renovation. Thoughtful actions such as putting cardboard on the ground while renovating our unit (to protect the floor from dust and potential damage), informing us the plan of renovation explicitly before commencing, having professional equipment to do their jobs, etc. can be seen during their work process. I have already and will recommend more friends or whoever need the renovation service to JPC.”

-L Poon on September 26th, 2014


“Although it was such a tedious long-time process of renovating our cafe, due to city permits and lots of accommodative processes by other subcontractors, Jeff and his team have always been so patient and prompt to take care of what we required. Cost was under control and clearly explained and verified.”

-E Yu


“M Yeo’s review of JPC Services Inc.

I have hired JPC services in the past and I am fully satisfied with the overall performance as well as the quality of work


-M Yeo


“The company provides a very good service!In the interests of customers!They deserve to believe!”

-T Wang


“They helped me so much with my renovation project, and they were amazing. They served the best construction job that they were very professional, responsible, and efficient. Their staffs are very friendly, knowledgeable, and passionate in what they are doing. Definitely would recommend.”

-Tina L


“Jeff always impresses his clients by the profundity of his housing renovation knowledge; Jeff always identifies and resolves clients’ concerns and reports customer needs in time, such as, what is the best for his clients and what he can do for them? No matter you are a small household client or a big business organization, once you become his client, you will receive the best quality service from his team; Jeff is a reputable businessman. As long as he makes the service commitment to you, he will make every effort to complete the project on time and will give you full satisfaction; Nevertheless, Jeff is not just the businessman, he is also the kind of person who always thinks how to give back to the society; Jeff always expresses his concerns and sympathy to others. He leads his team to donate every year.”

-Jamie from Burnaby, on March 20, 2014


“Hi Jeff, I would like to tell you how good Santiago is! We could not be more pleased with his work. Thank you for the work done!”

-Patrick from Phyton, on March 3, 2014


“Hello Jeff, I am Eric in Hygeia Spa in Richmond. I have just got time to write this letter to express our gratitude. It has been a period time since our business opened. Our operations are very ideal. Thank you very much for helping us at the very beginning for the renovations. We had contacted many construction companies before we started renovation. The level of the construction companies in Great Vancouver is uneven, and it confused us a lot. We finally chose JPC Services through a friend’s introduction. It now appears that it is exactly the right decision. Your attitude is very serious, the decoration techniques are very professional, and you gave us a lot of innovative ideas. These bring us a lot of help. We would like to take this opportunity to thank your company for the careful renovation for our store! And we certainly highly recommend JPC Services to everybody. We wish JPC Services smooth and successful in the year of Horse!”

-Eric from Hygeia Spa in Richmond, on February 11, 2014


“Hi Jeff, tell you good news, the renovation your company did in my store has passed inspection. Also thank you for lending me your tools, it’s good to use. I am very grateful to know you through introduction of Peter. You are just like my old brother, you were not only meticulous in my store renovation, but also gave me a lot of suggestions in the operations of my store. What impressed me most is that your meticulous, strict in work, has high working standards as well as considerate and caring to your staff. Thank you again for helping me throughout my entire renovation.”

-Essie at Coquiltlam centre, on July 18, 2013


“Jeff, I just want to say again how great Ivan and Danny were, I received nothing but positive comments and praise for their work and attitude.”

-Scott Mayer from Lush Fresh Handmade Cosmetics, on July 6, 2013


“We are very happy with the work that Sean did (tile installation in our house). Thank you very much.”

-Tatiana and Tony, on April 25, 2013


“回想起来, 我从未认真写过review。但这次,却发自内心、无比认真地写下几年来的所思所想、经历、体验和感动,以表达我对温哥华最值得推荐的JPC 公司,对JPC 公司的Jeff,以及对JPC所有员工们由衷的感谢;并希望JPC公司能为更多的家庭、企业所知晓,希望JPC公司能够带给更多的客户无忧的、专业的、优质的服务。

我是一名在温哥华Shaughnessy 街上的典型老屋的业主,几年来遇到了各种各样的问题,墙壁不名原因的漏水、水管老化、水管爆裂、污水管堵塞、暖气片渗水......因为这些问题没有得到彻底解决,2018 年我花费巨资将地下室全部翻修,但是问题依旧层出不穷,遍请多家公司,问题依旧没有得到解决。走投无路之际,朋友强烈推荐了JPC 公司。

初次接触时,看到了JPC 公司宽敞明亮的办公室和震撼人心的工作仓库,仓库里巨大的设备、各种材料摆放得整整齐齐、安全有序,仿佛到了Home Depot,我顿时深深感受到了JPC 公司的专业、专注,以及Jeff 对事业的满腔热情,我发自内心的信服和敬佩之情油然而生。

后来各种疑难杂症的彻底解决更是真真切切地验证了Jeff和JPC 的实力。

总结下来,我感觉JPC 公司无比专业、无比敬业、无比负责,能真正做到别人想不到的方法,JPC可以想到;别人做不到的事情, JPC可以做到; 别人花费很多时间不一定能解决的问题, Jeff总有各种奇思妙想,可以手到病除;别人花巨资整修,JPC却可以做到又快又省。

我家曾经遇到几次不明原因的漏水,每次一打电话, Jeff总是第一时间赶到,避免了大修大补,通过修补烟囱、烟囱加盖、墙壁填充加固、屋顶加盖斜坡玻璃片、雨水管引流等各种别人想不到的方法, 解决了别的公司报价极高、却不能保证结果的问题;而且总是在承诺的时间之前,无论什么状况, 都又快又好地提前完成任务。

记得有一次温哥华突降大雪, 房屋漏水,我人在中国,收到了Jeff发送的修复漏水的照片。 感动之余,我还发现有张工人的照片是在夜间,打着手电筒工作。 好奇问了之后才得知工人一直在大雪中修补烟囱,但为了不让身在国外的客户担心,为了解除地下室租户的不安, JPC 工人冒着大雪工作,一直忙到深夜,直到问题完全解决后才下班。

我们还遇到过几次地下室屋顶灰管突然爆裂,以至租户无法正常生活。 Jeff 总是想人所想、急人所急,总是最快赶到,亲自排查,最快解决问题。每次当我真心致谢,善解人意的Jeff总是非常地谦虚,说紧急事件就得急事急办、必须最快解决。

我还想借此机会,表达自己的另一个深切感受: Jeff 总是真心把客户当作朋友、当作家人,始终站在客户的⻆度,始终秉承怎么花费最少、影响最小、怎么用最简单的方法最有效地解决问题的理念,始终为客户提供物美价廉、绝无仅有的优质服务。

一周前,我们又一次遇到大事故:地下室污水管不能排放,我们楼上完全不能用水,否则地下室污水泛滥;尤其这是在COVID-19 期间,真的是水深火热,租户意⻅很大。 我夜间10 点紧急致电Jeff, 第二天早上7 点,天下着大雨,已经在开车去Delta 另一个工地的路上的Jeff紧急掉头,并立即指示还在斋月中、并且当天生日的员工莫师傅紧急赶赴现场。他们运用各种设备,疏通污水管已经通到70 英尺,仍然不能疏解。 当时地下室不堪入目,污水泛滥,Jeff和莫师傅忍住脏和累、不停打扫,不停疏通;JPC 阿华师傅又带来了特效药水,还是无法疏通;由于房屋没有原始图纸,现场也找不到任何污水井,大家⻬心协力,一直工作到晚上8 点多仍无果,于是制定了新方案:深挖3 米以下找出污水管, 并花费1-2 万加币建造新的污水井,以彻底解决问题。按照这个方案,由于无法用水,我们家必须搬离住处,在宾馆借住2 周。

Jeff回家后,仍然一刻不停地帮我多方打听解决办法。晚上9 点多,他打电话让我立即给温哥华市政厅打电话,因为排查出是市政污水管堵塞。 我本来以为太晚了市政厅不会有人接电话,抱着试一试的态度我立即致电市政厅,意想不到的是,市政厅连夜派人,连续工作了5 个小时,解决了淤堵问题。因为Jeff的帮忙,我一分钱没花,温哥华市政厅连夜奋战,让我家的生活恢复了正常。

至此,我还能说什么呢? Jeff多年以来一直是如此贴心、如此周到、如此急人所急、 如此地把自己的利益抛在脑后、一心为客户着想! 除此之外,Jeff作为侨团领袖,多年以来还一直致力于慈善事业,包括对慈善行业的捐助、对弱势群体的关爱,在疫情期间还发动工厂制作COVID-19防护用品捐赠给社区……Jeff的事迹,数不胜数,我的感动实在是无法言喻。

借此机会, 写下自己的切身体会,感谢JPC,感谢Jeff,感谢在Jeff带领下的JPC 敬业负责的好员工!希望JPC能够给更多的客户造福,并希望JPC蒸蒸日上, 越走越好!”

-Jessica 2020 年6 月2





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